Faith-Based Coalition for the Global Fund Sends Letter to Congress to Support FY25 Funding

On March 26, 220 leaders of faith from across the nation sent a letter to members of Congress calling on them to commit up to $1.65 billion in funding for the fiscal year 2025. We are excited to include 10 new members to the letter! 

"The impact of the Global Fund's work is immense, reflecting our shared belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. And it is measurable. Since its establishment in 2002, the Global Fund and its partners have served as a beacon of hope, saving 59 million lives and significantly reducing death rates from AIDS, TB and malaria in countries where they operate. Particularly noteworthy is the 72% reduction in death rates from HIV/AIDS since the Fund's inception."

We are proud to take this letter to the Hill for an Advocacy Day with Friends of the Global Fight on Thursday, April 11 to deliver to members’ offices representing the states of Kentucky, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas with faith leaders Rev. Michael Lockhart, Penny Allison Lockhart, Pearl Parks, Michael O'Neal, and Dr. Jalil Dawood. 

Jennifer Dyer